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Banel e Adama

Legal age 14/14 years 
Minimum legal age 14 years / Recommended 14 years and over / Accompanied by a legal guardian 12 years



Banel e Adama

Release date CH German : 21 Mar 2024

Release date CH Romande : 13 Dec 2023

With Dia Amadou Ndiaye, Khady Mane, Moussa Sow, Oumar Samba, Ndiabel Diallo, by Ramata-Toulaye Sy

North of Senegal, in a small remote village. Banel and Adama are fiercely in love. Longing for a home of their own, they have decided to live apart from their families and that Adama won’t accept his blood duty as future chief. When Adama informs the village council of his intention, the whole community is disrupted. The rain that’s supposed to come doesn’t come. Banel and Adama will learn that where they live, there is no room for passions, let alone chaos.

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